Selasa, 11 September 2012

What is business process? What is the purpose of this process?

Every company wants to increase sales and gain more profit from existing market share. Various strategies implemented to achieve these goals, which is an indication of the success of the company. One strategy to increase sales and profits is to always orient themselves to the needs of the company and customer satisfaction.

To launch a good product is never apart from the standard business processes are good also. Business processes are properly can reduce the operational costs of an enterprise in producing output, because companies no longer need to improvise in developing their business process standardization.

Even from a business process has been standardized, the company can also increase the effectiveness of production and operations. At every stage of the process through which business, the company always has the goals to be achieved in accordance with the vision and mission.

Every goal (objective) was always associated with the field work, thus indirectly every stage of the business process always involves the areas of work in accordance with the objective at this stage. If we look carefully, each objective at this stage there is always the knowledge that if managed properly will be able to improve the performance of the company. Every company or organization has always done business processes to generate and manage products or services offered to customers.

What is business process?

business process or business method is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. It often can be visualized with a flowchart as a sequence of activities with interleaving decision points or with a Process Matrix as a sequence of activities with relevance rules based on the data in the process”.
("Business Process"; ;11 sept 2012)

”A structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how work is done within an organization, in contrast to a product focus’s emphasis on what. A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and space, with a beginning and an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action. ... Taking a process approach implies adopting the customer’s point of view. Processes are the structure by which an organization does what is necessary to produce value for its customers.” 
( Davenport; "Defines a (Business) Process"; 1993; ;11 sept 2012).

What is the purpose of this process?
The purpose is to streamline business processes, streamline the business and make it easy to adapt the processes therein. This means that business process should be a process-oriented business on the number and quality of product output, minimal use of resources and can be adapted according to the needs of business and markets.
(Zuhdi, Ahmad;"Pengertian Proses bisnis"; 22 March 2010;; 11 sept 2012)

Jadi secara umum dapat didefinisikan sebagai kumpulan dari proses yang mendukung proses-proses operasional dalam perusahaan. Proses bisnis berisi kumpulan aktifitas yang saling berelasi satu sama lain untuk menghasilkan suatu keluaran yang mendukung pada tujuan dan sasaran strategis dari organisasi.

Banyak yang menganggap Proses suatu bisnis sulit pada pemodalan, "ITU TIDAK BENAR". Modal sebenarnya mudah di cari bila kita mempunyai jaringan bisnis (business network) yang cukup luas dan kepercayaan dari mereka. Dengan adanya jaringan yang luas dan kepercayaan, mereka akan dengan mudah meminjamkan modal untuk kita melakukan sebuah bisnis.

Jelaslah, bahwa yang sulit itu bukanlah modal tetapi sebuah network (jaringan bisnis). Jaringan bisnis bisa bermacam-macam, mulai dari teman, sahabat, tetangga, kenalan jauh atau bahkan mungkin keluarga kita sendiri. Modal utama dalam mencari sebuah network adalah 'Lidah'. Kenapa lidah?

Bukan karena saya cadel lalu saya membahas tentang lidah (RRRRR). Lidah berfungsi sebagai penghubung kita sebagai (pembuat sebuah bisnis) dengan para 'calon' network kita (sebut aja calon pemodal awal). Semakin kita dekat dengan para calon pemodal awal kita, maka mereka tidak tanggung-tanggung dalam memberikan sebuah bantuan modal yang cukup besar kepada kita sehingga bisnis kita menjadi besar.

So, let's take advantage of our tongue. Do not be a drawback for the business man.

Pesan: Mohon komentar dan masukan serta kritik dan sarannya, buat tugas nih. hehehe...

6 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...
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Unknown mengatakan...

wahhh.....keren gan

Zenni Yudistira (Regaster Yudhistira) mengatakan...

kenapa di hapus komentar awalnya? wkwkwk...
thanx dah comment

Unknown mengatakan...

Mantap ....

Unknown mengatakan...

Mantap ...

@bayuwaspodo - mengatakan...

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